Faith Formation

Trinity will offer worship for all members, even our young, on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Including children in worship is an important part of our ministry here at Trinity. We want to expose our children to God’s Word in a variety of settings. We want them to feel as much a part of what is going on at Trinity as their parents. The flip side is a chance for our members to engage with our young people and be part of developing and nurturing our young people on their faith journey. Isn’t this what we agreed to at their Baptism?

Our Prayground table area for children with adults to use during the worship service. This area has materials for each child to use (crayons, coloring sheets, quiet toys, and more) stored in individual bins. The bins will be sanitized between uses each week. Among the materials provided will be a booklet that will coincide with The Story lesson for the day. All members and guests of Trinity will be encouraged to follow along weekly with The Story, this includes our young people. They will be attending worship, so the Prayground will be available for their use. Following the Scripture readings, children aged 3 through fifth grade are invited to attend The Story exploration where they will participate in an activity or craft about the lesson they heard in worship. Any age is welcome to join in this activity.

We love to have children in worship. They bring a special kind of curiosity to the worship space. We are aware that sometimes they make noise. They will ask questions, or can get upset if they don’t understand something, or just need to move around, but we encourage you to remain in worship or move to the Prayground space up front. Also, the Cry Room and Nursery are available for use during worship times beginning today. Both spaces provide toys, activities, and an area to move around for children. Feel free to come and go during worship to use these rooms if you feel the need. The Cry Room is located on the second floor overlooking the transept area of the sanctuary (looks down on where Eric has been singing). In this room, you are able to follow along and participate in the service. The Nursery is located down the office hallway next to the wheelchair accessible bathroom. Unfortunately, you cannot hear the worship service in the Nursery. Again, we encourage our young people to attend worship with their families and benefit from building community with the other members of Trinity.