Trinity News

Recycling Challenge

Trinity Lutheran participated in the Des Plaines Faith Communities Plastic Recycling Challenge that ran from October 15, 2023 until April 14, 2024. This is yet another activity inspired by our neighbor Clean Up - Give Back with the plastic collections ultimately going to the manufacturer Trex. 

During that period Trinity also created an internal goal to earn a free bench from Trex. As of March 4, 2024 Trinity surpassed the 1,000 lb threshold to receive the bench! Trinity reported collecting 1,316 lbs total! Our bench has arrived and we are deciding the perfect spot to place it. 

Keep those plastic bags and other recyclables coming in if you find Trinity is a convenient drop off spot or you need assistance in getting an item to the right place.

Good News Garage

Good News Garage gave away its 80th car! We celebrated after worship on Sunday, May 5th with cake and fellowship. Good News Garage is the outreach program at Trinity that accepts donated vehicles which are repaired and cleaned, then given away to people in the community in need of a vehicle. The most recent recipients have included a mom with two young children, a disabled Marine vet, and a retired house painter who needed to return to work. If you would like more information about Good News Garage contact Frank Hauser at Thank you Frank and Pam for the wonderful work you have done!